woot. i'm back again. college started for a week already. and it's kinda fun except for my English class. She make me hate the class =( I don't wanna hate the class. Actually, I don't know why I hate the class also =.= I'm just weird. I got perli because of my CUTE size. Haha. I'm cute aren't I? *self perasan* lalala. I'm not happy with my size but I'm used to those perli stuff. =D
Things happen in this few days. Skipping that part. Not important though [=
The bad part was I've been blocked again. This time I sms him and asked him what does he want. As expected he did not reply. So I decide to forget bout it. Not important to me anymore. Ruin my mood on that day =/
I got nothing to say now. Gahh. Brain is blank. =O Gotta help sis with her folio. As if I'm doing the folio instead of her =.= Andd, I got assignment already. NOOOOO. I don't know why but I'm having weird feelings. This is bad. Always happen to me. Does everyone got the feeling? Or I'm the weird one with those weird feelings all the time? Shoo the feeling away. It's better to be feeling-less I guess. Then I won't have to think what is wrong with me =.=
Night. I better start doing her folio =(
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