Sunday, February 1, 2009


everything he said is always in my head. i only have to read it twice and it will stick in my head already. i still remember what he said to that girl in his message. the girl must be very lucky to have his love. i am the one who doesn't know how to appreciate it at the first place. i should not complain so much. i just hope everything can disappear. what cyn said is right. i did not delete everything about him that's why i can't forget about him. can i delete it? i know i will regret if i delete it. i'm not letting any guys know more about me. i keep everything to myself. i don't trust any guys. i know some of them just want to help me but i really don't want to accept it. i'm scared. i'm so sorry if i hurt any of your feelings. that is the best i can do. i keep say i want to forget about him but actually i don't want. the memories are too sweet for me to forget and delete it. i don't want to let other guy take over his place. and i don't think any guy can ever take over his place. sometimes i'm so disappointed with myself. i'm just making myself suffer. how can i ever forget all those sweet times we've been through. it's so so so so sweet that i can't delete it from my head.

P.S. you don't know how much pain i'm in. it's easy for you cause you're the one who ask for break up.


Yin Ern said...

Heya.take your time to heal. You need more time.

babymaine said...

yeah i know. oh well. boredd...