Monday, December 22, 2008

i feel pain again

yesterday i went out with him. i cried when we're at beach. i don't know why. everything is going to end soon. i don't want to cry anymore. i don't want to feel pain anymore. i want to be like last time. my heart feel so pain now. i know he moved his hands away so that i can't hold his hands. i know it. yeap ken min. you're right. i am stupid. the world stupidest girl. i told myself not to cry anymore. i can't. my heart is pain. there's a bee here and if it were the last time me. i would have run away. but now i'm here blogging. i'm not sure why. it's like i'm not scared of anything anymore except the word 'break up'. that's all i'm scared of now. i want everything to go back to normal. will talk more about the outing next time. he's busy with that girl's birthday. so i can't disturb him. cool right. that's what you call a deal.

P.S. everyone deserves a second chance. if you can have 4 chances why can't i have another chance?


Anonymous said...

I stumbled upon this blog by mistake but this post really caught my attention.I know it's probably none of my business,but you seem to cry over some guy who broke you're heart.Judging by this other girl's birthday I assume he found somebody else.Yet,still you're hoping for a miracle.No offense my friend but i see no reason for someone who treats you like shit.BTW,when you said chances,why waste chances on someone who broke you're heart?If he did it once,what makes you think he won't do it again?Life doesn't revolve around one person,there's a whole bunch of people out there who are just better.Please don't hurt yourself anymore,4 chances..if he breaks your heart 4 times..would you realize it then?God bless you,Amen.Take care.

babymaine said...

thank you so much. i tried to move on. but today he came to my house to give me history text book. i really can't control. i cried. i know it's stupid but i really don't understand why is it so hard to forget someone. it's so easy to accept but it's so hard to forget. now, i don't hope for any miracles anymore. if miracles do happen then i will be happy. but as you said he hurt me 4 times already. i know it's a lot of times but i really do love him you know. 3 years 3 months. i wonder how long would i take to forget bout it.